Update (07/18/2013)

PURPOSE: R package for detection of parent-of-origin effects at quantitative trait loci on autosomes in the presence of association using general pedigree data. Families with missing genotype data are allowed and Monte Carlo samples of the missing genotypes conditional on the observed data will be used.

NOTE: This package was built on R (version 3.0.0 with 32-bit). Users should install and use the package under the R (version 3.0.0 with 32-bit) environment.

Compiled R package file for Windows (in a zipped file): QMCPPAT_1.0.zip

Sample pedigree file: ped.txt

Instructions: Instructions.txt


Hai-Qiang He, Wei-Gao Mao, Dongdong Pan, Ji-Yuan Zhou, Ping-Yan Chen and Wing Kam Fung. 2013 Detection of parent-of-origin effects for quantitative traits using general pedigree data. (Submitted)

Jie Ding, Shili Lin, Yang Liu. 2006 Monte Carlo pedigree disequilibrium test for markers on X chromosome. American Journal of Human Genetics, 79, 567-573.